Finding Yourself!!

There are so many things in life that can cause a person to lose themselves. Many people lose themselves in relationships, with the hardships of life, careers, school, and even parenting. This world we are living in now, have us thinking WE HAVE TO HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER!! Truth is we don’t. Being perfect at everything will definitely make you lose yourself some way or another. Who are we without knowing ourselves?

It is so much to life other than pretending like we have the perfect relationships, the perfect families, the perfect lifestyle, and or being the perfect person. We are so caught up in this thing, called social media, truth is MOST ARE TELLING LIES! Painting pictures that are so full of lies, that even the picture itself doesn’t even believe it’s a picture. Lol

What if the world allowed us to be transparent on a day to day basis?

What if the world allowed us to be ourselves?

What if the world said, you could only be here if you are true to yourself and with others? How would this world be?

I often wonder are we really who we say we are. Can I truly be myself without being judged?

What if the social media world came and followed you every day for maybe 6 months out the year? What would it display?

Who are you?

Find who you are and STAY TRUE TO THAT!

Don’t Allow people to define who you want to be and who you are?

Find that beautiful soul God created and BE JUST THAT! Even if it’s not so beautiful to people. Even if it’s not so appealing to people.

I think we can create a world that is FULL OF TRUTH THAT WE WILL FORGET TO TELL LIES!!

Lovetsw πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

4 thoughts on “Finding Yourself!!

  1. So true! I know I have fallen victim to this on several occasions but I do believe that I’m true to who I am….I dont post my business on social media…other than my daughter BC people will always get it wrong on purpose lol…thank you for this blog!!!

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